Saturday 10 October 2020

The importance of problem solving in the workplace


Workplace is a crucial skill needed in almost every single employee. It is a skill in which a person come up with a solution to a problem or new idea in the workplace. In every organisation, it is inevitable to run into an obstacle during the operation. However, by possessing the problem solving skill, the business will be able to determine how quickly and effectively will the problem be solved. It is also an important process when one has a new idea. Such idea will need to be assessed so that any potential weakness and risk be identified and mitigated when implementing that idea. 

Sunday 4 October 2020

How Apple successfully promotes their smartwatch


Apple is in no doubt one of the biggest and most successful technology company in the world. Not only their products have changed the way people integrate technologies into their lives, but also how they influence the business strategies of other tech companies. 

One of the most influential Apple product in the recent year is the Apple Watch. Since its first debut in 2015, there has been a change in direction for the Apple Watch to stay relevant and competitive to the smartwatch market. When it was first introduced, the watch was marketed to be more of a stylish and luxurious product with special editions selling for up to US$10,000. Starting from the Series 4, the business model took another turn and prioritise the smartwatch to become more of a fitness device. During the time of Covid-19 pandemic, the new Apple Watch Series 6 still managed to stay relevant by being able to measure the wearer's blood oxygen level. 

Apple's biggest promotion strategies was the online presence and social media. The awareness of the Apple Watch dated back way before the official announcement was made. The conversation surrounding the Apple Watch leak travelled across different social media platform like Twitter, Facebook and Youtube. Soon, the hype slowly built up before the official keynote. The watch became a hot topic among the popular tech Youtube personalities after the announcement, which gathers even more attentions than before. 

Apple's online presence also came from their own website. Instead of giving the customers a list of all the new features of the Apple Watch, Apple improves the user experience by implementing animation and interactive scrolling, making site visitors feel like they are being given a tour of the product. 

Through attention to details and knowing what their customers are, Apple effectively came up with social media promotion strategy for their watch lineup that once again changed the way the general consumer look at watches as more than just a timepiece.      

Saturday 5 September 2020

My experience with workplace discrimination

Discrimination has been a recurring issue with a considerable number of minority group. This could happen anywhere at anytime. This blog serves to raise awareness of this situation and share what I have learned at the end of the day.

This happened a year ago in the office that I worked in. As I was put into a small team with people I did not know, the team leader decided to have a small ice-break session. Upon finishing my introduction, the team leader told me that she was glad I was able to speak English, which made her job easier. As someone who was born and raised in Australia, I felt offended by her assumption that I have poor English skill because of my skin color.

At that time, it was very hard for me to get a job. Even though I was upset about it, the fear of getting laid off stopped me from having any additional remarks. I simply laugh it off and carried on with my work. Keeping this issue to myself was the best I could do.

Upon discovering a few government agencies that dealt with discrimination and people's right, I have learned a few solutions that could help me deal with this problem in the future. I can talk to my supervisor or higher ups within the company about discrimination. Alternatively, I can also submit a complaint to a government body that investigates and prosecutes on any breach on human rights.

For anyone who encountered the same problem, I would recommend reaching out to your employer or any organisation in your region that deals with this issue. No one in a workplace are to be discriminated in any ways and we have the right to be equal to one another.

The importance of problem solving in the workplace

  Workplace is a crucial skill needed in almost every single employee. It is a skill in which a person come up with a solution to a problem ...